I started learning to crawl a week ago. It's not easy OK. First I have to learn how to pick up my heavy bum together with the diaper then with all my might I have to pull up my knees. Sometimes I can stay like that for a while and at other times I'll fall down n bump my head against the floor. When this happens I'll scream on top off my lungs. It really hurts.
Now, I still have not mastered crawling yet but I can move around on my own. yippy. I don't have to beg other people to pick me up. yeay. want to know how i move around? I'll be on my tummy and i'll use my legs to kick the floor so I can move forward. owh and I wiggle as well at times and that is why Ayah always say I move like an inch worm. Ayah caught it on video. Here it is.
a'ah bila jatuh horror gila nangis...malu sikit fea..hee
(ayah akan leave comment setiap posting supaya bila fea besar, tau la perasaan ayah)
wahh..fea dh pandai duduk ye...
cumel jek tgk dia dh duduk tanpa bumbo tu..
bumbo tu mempercepatkan proses pmbelajaran dia utk duduk eks?
awww comel je..
aikk? where's the video?
tadak pun..nk nengok..
wun: terima kasih ayh bg comment.
krsty: xpasti la whether bumbo helps ke tak..sometimes ikut jenis budak jgk..ade yg mmg cepat jer pandai duduk..bumbo tue beli supaya senang nk bg die mkn. n bile kitorg solat die dok skali so die tau bile dah besar die kene solat jua..
Nurul:video nanti la upload..hehe..xde mase lagi
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