Now at the age of 3 months and five days I can;
1) roll over, mostly on my left side(my legs are getting stronger by the day). I can never be left alone on high surfaces as who knows where I'll end up next. Once I nearly fell off my parents bed whilst they were praying. If they had to leave me unattended for a while they need to put pillows around me to act as a bumper so I can't go more further.
This is me playing with my knee2) see more clearly and i pay more attention to my surrounding. Even when I latch on to Ummi if I hear something that distracts me from drinking I will pull ummi with me and she of course would say 'ouch' or 'adoi' every time.hehe
3) play with my toys at my play gym. I also can grab the hanging toys.
Ayah holding me whilst I suck his hand.(not sure if his hands were clean though..hmm)4) play with my centipede when my parents put me in my crib or on my parents bed.(ummi need to buy some more toys to stimulate my brains)
5) react or rather sing along(in my own language) to the music that plays when my mobile rotates. Even when somebody talks to me I'll react the same and tries to project my voice as loud as I can. Every time I do this I'll end up chocking myself as I do not know how to control my voice yet. Also I giggle from time to time
Just woke up from my slumber. Owh, my leg is on the bolster pillow and I don't know where my blankie is. I am certain that Ummi pulled the blankie over me last night.(lasak sungguh anak ummi ni tido)6) recognize faces. The most familiar would be Ummi because she gives me milk. Every time ummi comes home from work I'll stare at her until she picks me up.
7) If I wore a two piece clothing meaning a pair of pants and a shirt in the morning I'd be lucky if I'm still wearing the shirt. Usually, half way up my shirt unbuttoned. I really don't know how that happened or how I did it. This is why ummi likes me to wear one piece like sleepers so that I won't end up half naked the next day. haha
This is my progress up to date.